Resort Database

The Physical Database Design section of this page provides information about the architecture of this database and its default state. The 'Implementation' section of this page provides links to clearly labelled functions that will allow you to create and modify guest reservations, assign guests to specific activities, charge guests for goods and services, explore guest history, track staff history and feedback, and reset the database to it's default state.

Physical Database Design (Part 3 Deliverable One)

The information here will be useful for testing functions

Deliverable 1 of 2 for Physical Database Design
Deliverable 2 of 2 for Physical Database Design

Implementation (Part 3 Deliverable Two)

All Reservations
Create New Reservation
Cancel A Reservation
Search For A Guest
Search For A Reservation
Assign Guest To Lodging
Assign Guest To Activity
Assign Staff To Booking
Assign Feedback To Staff
Cancel Guest Activity
Charge A Booking
Print A Booking's Bill
Print Staff Feedback
Print Guest Children
Print Guest Activity History
Print Lodging History
Print Staff Assignment History
Print Staff to Guest Relationships
Reset Database

Usage (Part Four)

All Reservations
Create New Reservation
Cancel A Reservation
Search For A Guest
Search For A Reservation
Assign Guest To Lodging
Assign Guest To Activity
Assign Staff To Booking
Assign Feedback To Staff
Cancel Guest Activity
Charge A Booking
Print A Booking's Bill
Print Staff Feedback
Print Guest Children
Print Guest Activity History
Print Lodging History
Print Staff Assignment History
Print Staff to Guest Relationships
Reset Database