Print Staff To Guest Relationships

Function Number: 18

Function Name: Print Staff To Guest Relationships

Link to Function Implementation

Function Type: Query (Five Tables)

Description: This function accepts a Staff ID number as input and will output a table wherein each row corresponds to a particular guest that has been served in some way by the employee assigned the provided Staff ID. Guest arrival and departure information is provided, as well as the feedback provided by the booking during their checkout survey. Note that feedback is provided by an entire booking, and not by individual guests.

Primary Users: Resort staff responsible for tracking staff activity and guest satisfaction

Tables Affected: staff, booking, guests, assign_staff, and reservation

Sample Input: Staff ID = 3

Sample Output: A table displaying rows for each guest served by Staff ID 3, including guest arrival and departure dates, guest first and last names, and feedback provided by the booking.

Notes: This function queries five tables in order to retrieve the provided information. If a Staff ID does not exist, is not associated with any guests, or any other error is encountered, the appropriate message will be displayed.

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