Search For A Guest

Function Number: 4

Function Name: Search For A Guest

Link to Function Implementation

Function Type: Query

Description: This function accepts any of the following as inputs: Guest First Name, Guest Last Name, Phone, or Email. This function returns a table containing records of any guests with matching search criteria.

Primary Users: Resort staff responsible for creating or managing reservations

Tables Affected: guests

Sample Input: Enter Guest First Name = 'Gordon'

Sample Output: [1, 'Gordon', 'Cole', '1954-08-09', '2103049879', '', ' '. '935 Pennsylvania Avenue', 'Washington', 'D.C.', 'USA', '20535-00001']

Notes: This function uses the OR operator to query the table 'guests' for any records matching any of the entered search fields. If no results are found, mysqli_num_rows() will return zero and the user will be informed that no guests matching their search were found.

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