Print A Booking's Bill

Function Number: 12

Function Name: Print A Booking's Bill

Link to Function Implementation

Function Type: Query (Two tables)

Description: This function accepts as input a Booking ID. It will output a table displaying all charges associated with the Booking ID provided. This table displays what item was charged, where the item was sold, its price, and the date and time the charge occurred.

Primary Users: Resort staff responsible for printing a booking's bill

Tables Affected: charge

Sample Input: Booking ID = 1

Sample Output: A table displays all charges debited to the Booking ID provided, including detailed information about the charge

Notes: This function will query the 'charge' table for records matching the Booking ID provided. These records will be associated with information from the table 'billables', such as item name, location, and price, which will also be displayed to the user. If no records exist, or if an error occurs, a message is displayed to the user.

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