Print Guest Activity History

Function Number: 15

Function Name: Print Guest Activity History

Link to Function Implementation

Function Type: Query (Four Tables)

Description: This function accepts a Guest ID number as input and will output a table describing a guest's activity history at the resort. Each activity a guest has signed up for will be displayed, along with information such as whether it was cancelled, when it was scheduled for, and what stay / reservation it was associated with.

Primary Users: Resort staff responsible for managing guest reservations and tracking guest activity history

Tables Affected: guests, booking, assign_activities, and reservation

Sample Input: Guest ID = 1

Sample Output: A table displays all activities Guest ID 1 has signed up for, along with scheduling information and information about the reservation the activities are associated with.

Notes: This function queries four tables in order to gather all output information. If the provided Guest ID does not exist, or if it does not yet have any activity history, or if any other error occurs, the appropriate message will be displayed to the user.

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