Assign Feedback To Staff

Function Number: 9

Function Name: Assign Feedback To Staff

Link to Function Implementation

Function Type: Update

Description: This function accepts as inputs Booking ID, Staff ID, and Feedback. It will update the record within table 'assign_staff' containing matching Booking ID and Staff ID keys and update the Feedback column to contain the feedback provided.

Primary Users: Resort staff responsible for tracking guest satisfaction.

Tables Affected: assign_staff

Sample Input: Booking ID = 1, Staff ID = 6, Feedback = 'Seemed angry much of the time'

Sample Output: "Feedback has been assigned"

Notes: This function consists of an update to the table 'assign_staff'. Feedback provided will be assigned to the record with matching Booking and Staff ID keys. Error checking is performed to ensure that both the Staff and Booking IDs exist in the database. If an error occurs, this message will be displayed to the user.

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