Print Staff Assignment History

Function Number: 17

Function Name: Print Staff Assignment History

Link to Function Implementation

Function Type: Query (Two Tables)

Description: This function accepts a Staff ID number as input and will output a table describing a staff member's role assignment history including staff name, role name, start date, and end date (if applicable).

Primary Users: Resort staff responsible for managing staff work assignments

Tables Affected: staff, assign_role

Sample Input: Staff ID = 3

Sample Output: ['Richard', 'Horne', 'Transportation', 2010-07-01, NULL]

Notes: This function queries the table 'staff' to retrieve the first and last name associated with the provided Staff ID. This function also queries 'assign_role' to retrieve all records associated with the provided Staff ID. If a Staff ID does not exist, has no role assignments, or if any other error is encountered, the appropriate message will be displayed to the user.

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