Valorant Agent Abilities

Ability Name Ability Description Ability Cost Ability Cooldown Delete
Astral Form While in the Astral Plane, Astra can place Stars, use her basic abilities by activating placed stars, and activate her ultimate, Cosmic Divide. NULL NULL
Gravity Well ACTIVATE a Star to form a Gravity Well. Players in the area are pulled toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside vulnerable. NULL 45
Nova Pulse ACTIVATE a Star to detonate a Nova Pulse. The Nova Pulse charges briefly then strikes, concussing all players in its area. NULL 45
Nebula/Dissipate ACTIVATE a Star to transform it into a Nebula (smoke). USE a Star to Dissipate it, returning the Star to be placed in a new location after a delay. Dissipate briefly forms a fake Nebula at the Stars location before returning. NULL 25
Stars Place Stars in Astral Form with PRIMARY FIRE. Stars can be reactivated later, transforming them into a Nova Pulse, Nebula, or Gravity Well. 150 25
Cosmic Divide When Cosmic Divide is charged, use SECONDARY FIRE in Astral Form to begin aiming it, then PRIMARY FIRE to select two locations. An infinite Cosmic Divide connects the two points you select. Cosmic Divide blocks bullets and heavily dampens audio. NULL NULL
Aftershock EQUIP a fusion charge. FIRE the charge to set a slow-acting burst through the wall. The burst does heavy damage to anyone caught in its area. 200 NULL
Flashpoint EQUIP a blinding charge. FIRE the charge to set a fast-acting burst through the wall. The charge detonates to blind all players looking at it. 250 NULL
Fault Line EQUIP a seismic blast. HOLD FIRE to increase the distance. RELEASE to set off the quake, dazing all players in its zone and in a line up to the zone. NULL 40
Rolling Thunder EQUIP a Seismic Charge. FIRE to send a cascading quake through all terrain in a large cone. The quake dazes and knocks up anyone caught in it. NULL NULL
Incendiary EQUIP an incendiary grenade launcher. FIRE to launch a grenade that detonates as it comes to a rest on the floor, creating a lingering fire zone that damages players within the zone. 250 NULL
Stim Beacon INSTANTLY toss down a stim beacon. Upon landing, it creates a field that grants players RapidFire and a speed boost. 200 NULL
Sky Smoke EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to set locations where Brimstones smoke clouds will land. ALTERNATE FIRE to confirm, launching long-lasting smoke clouds that block vision in the selected area. 100 NULL
Orbital Strike EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to launch a lingering orbital strike laser at the selected location, dealing high damage-over-time to players caught in the selected area. NULL NULL
Trademark PLACE a trap that scans for enemies. When a visible enemy comes in range, the trap counts down and then destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it. The trap can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED. 200 30
Headhunter ACTIVATE to equip a heavy pistol. ALT FIRE with the pistol equipped to aim down sights. 150 NULL
Rendezvous PLACE a teleport anchor. While on the ground and in range of the anchor, REACTIVATE to quickly teleport to the anchor. The anchor can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED. NULL 30
Tour De Force ACTIVATE to summon a powerful, custom sniper rifle that will kill an enemy with any direct hit to the upper body. Killing an enemy creates a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it. NULL NULL
Trapwire EQUIP a trapwire. FIRE to place a destructible and covert tripwire at the targeted location, creating a line that spans between the placed location and the wall opposite. Enemy players who cross a tripwire will be tethered, revealed, and dazed after a short period if they do not destroy the device in time. This ability can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED. 200 NULL
Cyber Cage INSTANTLY toss the cyber cage in front of Cypher. ACTIVATE to create a zone that blocks vision and plays an audio cue when enemies pass through it. 100 NULL
Spycam EQUIP a spycam. FIRE to place the spycam at the targeted location. RE-USE this ability to take control of the cameras view. While in control of the camera, FIRE to shoot a marking dart. This dart will reveal the location of any player struck by the dart. NULL 15
Neural Theft INSTANTLY use on a targeted dead enemy to download information on their team. After a brief delay, the location of all living enemy players will be revealed twice. NULL NULL
Terror Trail Terror Trail is an Intel passive for Fade icon.png Fade. Her Haunt and Nightfall will mark enemies with a Terror Trail, creating a black trail on the ground between the marking effects point of origin and the affected agent, that Fade and her allies can follow. For the duration of the mark, Terror Trail will track the affected agents movements, extending their current trail. The trail can only be broken by teleports (the trail will begin again from the agent's new position as long as they are still marked but will not connect to the original trail) or cleansed by Yoru's Dimensional Drift. When the agent's mark debuff expires, the trail will disappear. Prowlers can be used to pursue trails. Upon pursuing a trail, the prowler will also reveal the exact identity of the agent to Fade. A prowler will follow the path of a trail until it encounters an enemy or the end of a trail, or until the trail disappears due to its agent's mark debuff expiring. An individual trail can only be pursued by one prowler with the pursuit causing the trail to become grayed out, though the trail will still remain visible and continue tracking so long as the target agent is still marked. NULL NULL
Prowler EQUIP a prowler. FIRE to send the prowler forward. HOLD FIRE to steer the prowler towards your crosshair. The prowler will chase down the first enemy or terror trail it sees, and nearsight the enemy on impact. 250 NULL
Seize EQUIP a knot of raw fear. FIRE to throw. The knot drops down after a set time. RE-USE to drop the knot early. The knot ruptures on impact, holding nearby enemies in place. Held enemies are deafened, and decayed. 200 NULL
Haunt EQUIP a haunting watcher. FIRE to throw. The watcher drops down after a set time. RE-USE to drop the watcher early. The watcher lashes out on impact, revealing enemies in its line of sight and creating terror trails to them. Enemies can destroy the watcher. NULL 40
Nightfall EQUIP the power of nightmare itself. FIRE to unleash a wave of unstoppable nightmare energy. Enemies caught in the wave are marked by terror trails, deafened, and decayed. NULL NULL
Globules Globules is a Setup passive for Gekko icon.png Gekko. After using Wingman, Dizzy, or Thrash, each of these creatures will turn into a globule when they expire, falling to the ground if they were airborne at this moment. They will then remain there for 20 seconds, during which time Gekko can approach them and reclaim the globule over 2 seconds. Successfully retrieving a globule will then put that globules ability on a 10 second cooldown after which it can be used again. If Gekko does not reclaim the globule within its lifespan, it will disappear from the map. Thrash will only turn into a globule after the first time she is used in a round. NULL NULL
Mosh Pit EQUIP Mosh. FIRE to throw Mosh like a grenade. ALT FIRE to throw underhand. Upon landing Mosh duplicates across a large area then after a short delay explodes. 250 NULL
Wingman EQUIP Wingman. FIRE to send Wingman forward seeking enemies. Wingman unleashes a concussive blast toward the first enemy he sees. ALT FIRE when targeting a Spike site or planted Spike to have Wingman defuse or plant the Spike. To plant, Gekko must have the Spike in his inventory. 300 10
Dizzy EQUIP Dizzy. FIRE to send Dizzy soaring forward through the air. Dizzy charges then unleashes plasma blasts at enemies in line of sight. Enemies hit by her plasma are blinded. NULL 10
Thrash EQUIP Thrash. FIRE to link with Thrashs mind and steer her through enemy territory. ACTIVATE to lunge forward and explode, detaining any enemies in a small radius. NULL NULL
Cascade EQUIP a wave of water. FIRE to send the wave rolling forward and through walls. RE-USE to stop the wave. Players hit are slowed. 150 NULL
Cove EQUIP a sphere of shielding water. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to underhand throw. Upon impacting the ground, spawn a destructible water shield that blocks bullets. 350 NULL
High Tide EQUIP a wall of water. FIRE to send the water forward along the ground. HOLD FIRE to guide the water in the direction of your crosshair, passing through the world, spawning a wall along the waters path. ALT FIRE while bending to stop the water early. Players hit are slowed. NULL 40
Reckoning EQUIP the full power of your Artifact. FIRE to summon a geyser pool on the ground. Enemy players in the area are targeted by successive geyser strikes. Players caught within a strike are concussed. NULL NULL
Drift Drift is a mobility passive for Jett icon.png Jett. Whenever she is airborne, she can hold her jump key to reduce her fall speed and allow herself to glide down to ground instead. This can be used to safely fall from large distances without taking fall damage upon landing. Jett can still use her weapons and other abilities whilst using Drift. NULL NULL
Cloudburst INSTANTLY throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface. HOLD the ability key to curve the smoke in the direction of your crosshair. 200 NULL
Updraft INSTANTLY propel Jett high into the air. 150 NULL
Blade Storm EQUIP a set of highly accurate throwing knives. FIRE to throw a single knife and recharge knives on a kill. ALTERNATE FIRE to throw all remaining daggers but does not recharge on a kill. NULL NULL
FRAG/ment EQUIP an explosive fragment. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob.The fragment sticks to the floor and explodes multiple times, dealing near lethal damage at the center with each explosion. 200 NULL
FLASH/drive EQUIP a flash grenade. FIRE to overhand throw. ALT FIRE to underhand throw a weaker version that explodes quickly. The flash grenade explodes after a short fuse, blinding anyone in line of sight. 250 NULL
ZERO/point EQUIP a suppression blade. FIRE to throw. The blade sticks to the first surface it hits, winds up, and suppresses anyone in the radius of the explosion. NULL 40
NULL/cmd INSTANTLY overload with polarized radianite energy that pulses from KAY/O in a massive radius. Enemies hit with pulses are suppressed for a short duration. While overloaded, KAY/O gains combat stim and can be re-stabilized if downed. NULL NULL
Alarmbot EQUIP a covert Alarmbot. FIRE to deploy a bot that hunts down enemies that get in range. After reaching its target, the bot explodes and applies Vulnerable to enemies in the area. HOLD EQUIP to recall a deployed bot. 200 20
Nanoswarm EQUIP a Nanoswarm grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade. Upon landing, the Nanoswarm goes covert. ALT FIRE to lob. ACTIVATE the Nanoswarm to deploy a damaging swarm of nanobots. 200 NULL
Turret EQUIP a Turret. FIRE to deploy a turret that fires at enemies in a 180 degree cone. ALT FIRE to swap turret direction. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed turret. NULL 20
Lockdown EQUIP the Lockdown device. FIRE to deploy the device. After a long windup, the device Detains all enemies caught in the radius. The device can be destroyed by enemies. NULL NULL
Energy Energy is a Resource Bar for Neon icon.png Neon which gives her 100 Energy. Activating High Gear or Overdrive requires Neon to consume Energy at a rate of 1 every 0.1 seconds (10/sec) for High Gear and 1 every 0.2 seconds (5/sec) for Overdrive. Neon will say a warning if her energy drops below 20. If her energy run out, the abilities automatically deactivate. When not active, Neon will replenish Energy at a rate of 1 every 0.6 seconds (1.667/sec) and will be able to reactivate High Gear once she has at least 2 Energy. Whenever Neon kills an enemy agent, she will instantly refill her Energy. NULL NULL
Fast Lane FIRE two energy lines forward on the ground that extend a short distance or until they hit a surface. The lines rise into walls of static electricity that block vision. 300 NULL
Relay Bolt INSTANTLY throw an energy bolt that bounces once. Upon hitting each surface, the bolt electrifies the ground below with a concussive blast. 200 NULL
High Gear INSTANTLY channel Neons power for increased speed. When charged, ALT FIRE to trigger an electric slide. Slide charge resets every two kills. NULL NULL
Overdrive Unleash Neons full power and speed for a short duration. FIRE to channel the power into a deadly lightning beam with high movement accuracy. NULL NULL
Soul Harvest Soul Harvest is a Setup passive for Reyna icon.png Reyna. If an enemy agent that she has dealt damage to within the last 3 seconds dies, they will drop a Soul Orb at their location that remains there for 3 seconds. If she has sight of the Orb, Reyna can use Devour or Dismiss to consume it. NULL NULL
Shrouded Step EQUIP a shrouded step ability and see its range indicator. FIRE to begin a brief channel, then teleport to the marked location. 100 NULL
Paranoia EQUIP a blinding orb. FIRE to throw it forward, briefly reducing the vision range and deafening all players it touches. This projectile can pass straight through walls. 250 NULL
Dark Cover EQUIP a shadow orb, entering a phased world to place and target the orbs. PRESS the ability key to throw the shadow orb to the marked location, creating a long-lasting shadow sphere that blocks vision. HOLD FIRE while targeting to move the marker further away. HOLD SECONDARY FIRE while targeting to move the marker closer. PRESS RELOAD to toggle normal targeting view. 150 30
From the Shadows EQUIP a tactical map. FIRE to begin teleporting to the selected location. While teleporting, Omen will appear as a Shade that can be destroyed by an enemy to cancel his teleport, or PRESS EQUIP for Omen to cancel his teleport. NULL NULL
Heating Up Heating Up is a Sustain passive for Phoenix icon.png Phoenix. His fire-producing abilities, Blaze and Hot Hands, will heal Phoenix instead of inflicting damage if he comes into contact with them, for a total of 50 HP over their full durations. Healing is applied with 1 HP ticks spread out evenly over their durations (1 every 0.16 seconds for Blaze, 1 every 0.08 seconds for Hot Hands). NULL NULL
Blaze EQUIP a flame wall. FIRE to create a line of flame that moves forward, creating a wall of fire that blocks vision and damages players passing through it. HOLD FIRE to bend the wall in the direction of your crosshair. 150 NULL
Curveball EQUIP a flare orb that takes a curving path and detonates shortly after throwing. FIRE to curve the flare orb to the left, detonating and blinding any player who sees the orb. ALT FIRE to curve the flare orb to the right. 250 NULL
Hot Hands EQUIP a fireball. FIRE to throw a fireball that explodes after a set amount of time or upon hitting the ground, creating a lingering fire zone that damages enemies. ALT FIRE to lob. NULL NULL
Run it Back INSTANTLY place a marker at Phoenixs location. While this ability is active, dying or allowing the timer to expire will end this ability and bring Phoenix back to this location with full health and the amount of armor he had when the ability was cast. NULL NULL
Boom Bot EQUIP a Boom Bot. FIRE will deploy the bot, causing it to travel in a straight line on the ground, bouncing off walls. The Boom Bot will lock on to any enemies in its frontal cone and chase them, exploding for heavy damage if it reaches them. 300 NULL
Blast Pack INSTANTLY throw a Blast Pack that will stick to surfaces. RE-USE the ability after deployment to detonate, damaging and moving anything hit. 200 NULL
Paint Shells EQUIP a cluster grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade, which does damage and creates sub-munitions, each doing damage to anyone in their range. ALT FIRE to lob. NULL NULL
Showstopper EQUIP a rocket launcher. FIRE shoots a rocket that does massive area damage on contact with anything. NULL NULL
Leer EQUIP an ethereal, destructible eye. ACTIVATE to cast the eye a short distance forward. The eye will Nearsight all enemies who look at it. 250 NULL
Devour INSTANTLY consume a nearby soul orb, rapidly healing for a short duration. Health gained through this skill exceeding 100 will decay over time. If Empress.png Empress is active, this skill will automatically cast and not consume the Soul Orb. NULL NULL
Dismiss INSTANTLY consume a nearby Soul Orb, becoming intangible for a short duration. If Empress is active, also become invisible. 200 NULL
Empress INSTANTLY enter a frenzy, increasing firing, equip and reload speed dramatically. Gain infinite charges of Soul Harvest abilities. When an enemy dies to Reyna, or dies within 3 seconds of taking damage from Reyna, the duration is renewed. NULL NULL
Barrier Orb EQUIP a barrier orb. FIRE places a wall that fortifies after a few seconds. ALT FIRE rotates the targeter. 400 NULL
Slow Orb EQUIP a slowing orb. FIRE to throw a slowing orb forward that detonates upon landing, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it. 200 NULL
Healing Orb EQUIP a healing orb. FIRE with your crosshairs over a damaged ally to activate a heal-over-time on them. ALT FIRE while Sage is damaged to activate a self heal-over-time. NULL 45
Resurrection EQUIP a resurrection ability. FIRE with your crosshairs placed over a dead ally to begin resurrecting them. After a brief channel, the ally will be brought back to life with full health. NULL NULL
Regrowth EQUIP a healing trinket. HOLD FIRE to channel, healing allies in range and line of sight. Can be reused until her healing pool is depleted. Skye cannot heal herself. 150 NULL
Trailblazer EQUIP a Tasmanian tiger trinket. FIRE to send out and take control of the predator. While in control, FIRE to leap forward, exploding in a concussive blast and damaging directly hit enemies. 300 NULL
Guiding Light EQUIP a hawk trinket. FIRE to send it forward. HOLD FIRE to guide the hawk in the direction of your crosshair. RE-USE while the hawk is in flight to transform it into a flash. The flash reaches max potency after a short duration during the hawks flight. 250 40
Seekers EQUIP a Seeker trinket. FIRE to send out three Seekers to track down the three closest enemies. If a Seeker reaches its target, it nearsights them. NULL NULL
Owl Drone EQUIP an owl drone. FIRE to deploy and take control of movement of the drone. While in control of the drone, FIRE to shoot a marking dart. This dart will reveal the location of any player struck by the dart. 400 NULL
Shock Bolt EQUIP a bow with a shock bolt. FIRE to send the explosive bolt forward, detonating upon collision and damaging players nearby. HOLD FIRE to extend the range of the projectile. ALTERNATE FIRE to add up to two bounces to this arrow. 150 NULL
Recon Bolt EQUIP a bow with a recon bolt. FIRE to send the recon bolt forward, activating upon collision and revealing the location of nearby enemies caught in the line of sight of the bolt. Enemies can destroy this bolt. HOLD FIRE to extend the range of the projectile. ALTERNATE FIRE to add up to two bounces to this arrow. NULL NULL
Hunters Fury EQUIP a bow with three long-range, wall-piercing energy blasts. FIRE to release an energy blast in a line in front of Sova, dealing damage and revealing the location of enemies caught in the line. This ability can be RE-USED up to two more times while the ability timer is active. NULL NULL
Fuel Fuel is a Resource Bar for Viper which gives her 100 Fuel. Activating only Poison Cloud or Toxic Screen requires Viper to consume Fuel at a rate of 1 every 0.15 seconds (6.667/sec). However, Viper can have both abilities active, which consumes Fuel at a rate of 1 every 0.1 seconds (10/sec). If her fuel levels run out, the abilities automatically deactivate and Viper must wait for her fuel levels to replenish, which will happen at a rate of 1 every 0.2 seconds (5/sec). Viper must have a minimum of 20 Fuel to activate a fueled ability. NULL NULL
Toxin Toxin is a Decay passive for Viper. If an enemy agent comes into contact with her Vision Blocker abilities (Poison Cloud, Toxic Screen, Vipers Pit), their health will begin to decay. They will instantly decay 30 HP upon contact, then continue to decay for 1 HP every 0.1 seconds (10 HP/sec). If no longer in contact, the debuff will briefly remain for 1.5 seconds before their health begins to climb back up at a rate of 1 HP every 0.04 seconds (25 HP/sec), up to a maximum of how much HP they would have if they had not been affected, taking any damage and healing taken whilst they were decayed into account. NULL NULL
Snake Bite EQUIP a chemical launcher. FIRE to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a lingering chemical zone that damages and applies Vulnerable. 200 NULL
Poison Cloud EQUIP a gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a toxic gas cloud at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once and can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED. 200 NULL
Toxic Screen EQUIP a gas emitter launcher that penetrates terrain. FIRE to deploy a long line of gas emitters. RE-USE the ability to create a tall wall of toxic gas at the cost of fuel. This ability can be RE-USED more than once. NULL NULL
Vipers Pit EQUIP a chemical sprayer. FIRE to spray a chemical cloud in all directions around Viper, creating a large cloud that reduces the vision range of players and maximum health of enemies inside of it. HOLD the ability key to disperse the cloud early. NULL NULL
Fakeout EQUIP an echo that transforms into a mirror image of Yoru when activated. FIRE to instantly activate the mirror image and send it forward. ALT FIRE to place an inactive echo. USE to transform an inactive echo into a mirror image and send it forward. Mirror images explode in a blinding flash when destroyed by enemies. 100 NULL
Blindside EQUIP to rip an unstable dimensional fragment from reality. FIRE to throw the fragment, activating a flash that winds up once it collides with a hard surface in world. 250 NULL
Gatecrash EQUIP a rift tether FIRE to send the tether forward ALT FIRE to place a stationary tether ACTIVATE to teleport to the tethers location USE to trigger a fake teleport. 150 NULL
Dimensional Drift EQUIP a mask that can see between dimensions. FIRE to drift into Yorus dimension, unable to be affected or seen by enemies from the outside. NULL NULL
Tailwind ACTIVATE to prepare a gust of wind for a limited time. RE-USE the wind to propel Jett in the direction she is moving. If Jett is standing still, she propels forward. NULL NULL